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The Halton Healthcare Services website has been created for information only. Information on this site is believed to be reliable when posted by Halton Healthcare Services Corporation. Information on Halton Healthcare Services provided on this site includes information about associated organizations such as the Auxiliaries to Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital and Milton District Hospital, Georgetown Hospital, the Georgetown Hospital Foundation, the Milton District Hospital Foundation and the Oakville Hospital Foundation.
Reasonable effort is made to ensure that the information posted is reliable but is not intended to replace medical advice and consultation. You should contact your doctor if you have questions regarding a specific diagnosis or ailment or any other health concern. THE INFORMATION ON THIS SITE IS PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS AND WE DO NOT MAKE ANY REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AS TO THE QUALITY, ACCURACY, COMPLETENESS OR APPROPRIATENESS OF THE INFORMATION ON THE WEBSITE. This disclaimer of liability includes any failure of performance, error, omission, interruption, defect or delay in the operation or transmission, computer errors, communication line failure, or unauthorized access to or use of the website or information transmitted through the website.
Information posted on the website may be changed from time to time without notice. Although the website is intended to be updated from time to time, no guarantee is given that the information is current.
The Halton Healthcare Services Corporation, Georgetown Hospital Foundation, Milton District Hospital Foundation and Oakville Hospital Foundation logos are trademarks of their respective organizations.
Links provided on our website to other sites, references, services or products, do not imply endorsement or approval of such websites, products or services. Links to sites beyond the Halton Healthcare Services site are provided for the convenience of the user and are to be accessed for information only. We assume no responsibility for their content nor for their privacy practises.
Complete confidentiality and security is not yet possible over the internet and privacy cannot be assured in any communication you make to us.